The hospital project exists to fill a void in the lives of babies and toddlers who are left alone at the Brasov Children’s Hospital.
Whether a child is fully abandoned or temporarily left in the hospital to receive treatment, FFR’s mission is to be the loving hands that these children are missing.

In 2005, Sarah and Steffi entered the hospital and found babies in need of love and care.
How is FFR helping?

Babies originally come to the hospital because they are sick, but they often stay for days or weeks even after getting healthy.
Children are temporarily left at the hospital for many reasons, but most commonly because the family cannot afford to care for the child. Particularly in the Roma community, conditions are incredibly poor and families are large.

The simplest act of holding a child teaches them how to connect with another human being.
Through our International Volunteer Program, volunteers come from around the world to love, hold, and play with the babies and toddlers who are in the hospital without their parents. Volunteers also assist with changing diapers and feeding the children.

FFR provides approximately 3000 diapers a month for the children left at the hospital without their parents.
Having built trust and strong relationships with the staff, FFR is now a permanent fixture at the hospital and supports the nurses and doctors by helping care for the children.